'use strict'
const path = require('path')
const assert = require('chai').assert
const { Map, List, Seq, OrderedMap }
= require('immutable')
const ethjsABI = require('ethjs-abi')
const { DEPLOYS_DIR, getConfig, getNetwork, Logger, getImmutableKey, setImmutableKey, toJS }
= require('demo-utils')
const LOGGER = new Logger('Deployer')
const { awaitOutputter, isLink, isForkedDeploy }
= require('./utils')
const { BuildsManager }
= require('./buildsManager')
const { isValidAddress, toChecksumAddress, keccak }
= require('ethereumjs-util')
const { getKeys } = require('ethjs-util')
const tx = require('demo-tx')
const deploys = {}
* Class encapsulating a deployer for a given network (chain ID)
* and inputter / outputter (possibly a remote data store)
* @memberof module:contract
* @param inputter {Function} a getter function, possibly async,
* that takes a key and returns the associated value if it exists.
* @param outputter {Function} a setter function, possibly async,
* that takes a key and a value as an Immutable Map, and returns
* the written value, also as an Immutable Map.
* @param bm {Object} a BuildsManager, null if we want to auto-create one.
* @param eth {Object} an Ethereum network object
* @param chainId {String} the chain ID of the given eth, must match.
* @param address {String} the `0x`-prefixed Ethereum address to deploy from
deploys.Deployer = class {
constructor({inputter, outputter, bm, eth, chainId, address}) {
assert(chainId, `chainId param is empty.`)
this.bm = bm || new BuildsManager(...arguments)
this.eth = eth || getNetwork()
this.chainId = chainId
assert(isValidAddress(address), `${address} not a valid ethereum address`)
this.address = address
getBuildsManager() {
return this.bm
* Create the raw tx data for deploying a new contract
* @param args {Array} list of arguments matching constructor
* @param abi {Object} ABI of contract
* @param contractBytecode {String} `0x`-prefixed string of deployedBytecode
getNewContractTxData(args, abi, contractBytecode) {
const constructorMethod = abi.filter((x) => x.type === 'constructor')[0]
const assembleTxObject = {}
// set contract deploy bytecode
if (contractBytecode) {
assembleTxObject.data = contractBytecode;
LOGGER.debug('args', args)
// append encoded constructor arguments
if (constructorMethod) {
LOGGER.debug('constructorMethod.inputs', constructorMethod.inputs)
const keys = getKeys(constructorMethod.inputs, 'type')
LOGGER.debug('keys', keys)
const constructorBytecode = ethjsABI.encodeParams(keys, args).substring(2)
assembleTxObject.data = `${assembleTxObject.data}${constructorBytecode}`
return assembleTxObject.data
* Validate dependencies then deploy the given contract output to a network.
* @param eth network object connected to a local provider
* @param contractName {String} of source contract
* @param linkId {String} ID of previous link to instantiate and deploy
* @param deployId {String} ID of previous deploy
* @param ctorArgs {Object} Immutable Map of constructor arguments, can be empty Map or null
* @param fork {boolean} whether to fork the given deploy at the current timestamp
* can be left null for false
async deploy(contractName, linkId, deployId, ctorArgs, fork) {
const linkName = `${contractName}-${linkId}`
const link = await this.bm.getLink(linkName)
assert( isLink(link), `Link ${linkName} not valid: ${JSON.stringify(link.toJS())}` )
const code = link.get('code')
const abi = link.get('abi')
const _deployId = deployId || 'deploy'
const deployName = `${contractName}-${_deployId}`
assert.equal(this.chainId, await this.eth.net_version())
const now = new Date()
const deployMap = await this.bm.getDeploys()
LOGGER.debug('deployMap', List(deployMap.keys()))
const inputHash = keccak(JSON.stringify(link.toJS())).toString('hex')
// Warn with multiple deploys with the same ID
const deploy = deployMap.get(deployName)
if (Map.isMap(deploy)) {
LOGGER.debug(`previous input hash ${deploy.get('inputHash')}`)
LOGGER.debug(`current input hash ${inputHash}`)
if (deploy.get('inputHash') === inputHash) {
if (fork) {
LOGGER.info(`Forking at time ${now.getTime()}`)
} else {
LOGGER.info(`${deployName} has already been deployed`,
`on chain ID ${this.chainId} at address ${deploy.get('deployAddress')}`)
return deploy
LOGGER.info(`Deploy ${deployName} is out-of-date, re-deploying...`)
const ctorArgList = Map.isMap(ctorArgs) ? List(ctorArgs.values()).toJS() : []
const Contract = this.eth.contract(toJS( abi ), code)
const gasPrice = getConfig()[ 'GAS_PRICE' ]
const gasLimit = getConfig()[ 'GAS_LIMIT' ]
LOGGER.debug(`gasPrice`, gasPrice)
LOGGER.debug(`gasLimit`, gasLimit)
const txData = this.getNewContractTxData(ctorArgList, toJS( abi ), code)
LOGGER.debug('newContractTxData', txData)
const rawTx = await tx.createRawTx({
from: this.address,
data: txData,
const deployPromise = tx.sendSignedTx({
rawTx: rawTx, signerEth: this.eth
}).then((txHash) => this.eth.getTransactionReceipt(txHash))
const minedContract = await deployPromise.then((receipt) => { return receipt })
LOGGER.debug('MINED', minedContract)
const instance = Contract.at(minedContract.contractAddress)
const preHash = new OrderedMap({
type : 'deploy',
name : contractName,
chainId : this.chainId,
deployId : deployId,
linkId : link.get('linkId'),
abi : abi,
code : code,
inputHash : inputHash,
ctorArgList : ctorArgList,
const deployOutput = preHash.
set('contentHash', keccak(JSON.stringify(preHash)).toString('hex'))
deployTx : new Map(minedContract),
deployAddress: toChecksumAddress(minedContract.contractAddress),
deployDate : now.toLocaleString(),
deployTime : now.getTime(),
// This is an updated deploy, overwrite it
return await this.bm.setDeploy(deployName, deployOutput, true)
module.exports = deploys