const { Logger, isNetwork, getConfig, getNetwork } = require('demo-utils')
const { List, Map } = require('immutable')
const assert = require('chai').assert
const abi = require('ethjs-abi')
const { wallet } = require('demo-keys')
const LOGGER = new Logger('contract')
const { isDeploy } = require('./utils')
const { createBM } = require('./buildsManager')
const contracts = {}
contracts.gasPrice = getConfig()['GAS_PRICE']
contracts.gasLimit = getConfig()['GAS_LIMIT']
* Initialize build manager for later calls to `getInstance` and
* `createContract`
* @method init
* @memberof module:contract
* @returns nothing
contracts.init = async () => {
if (!contracts.initialized) {"Initializing contracts.")
const eth = getNetwork()
contracts.chainId = await eth.net_version() = await createBM({ autoConfig: true, chainId: contracts.chainId })
contracts.initialized = true
} else {
LOGGER.error("Contracts already initialized.")
contracts.getChainIdSync = () => {
if (!contracts.initialized) { throw new Error('Initialize contracts first') }
return contracts.chainId
* Generic Contract class.
* @class Contract
* @memberof contract
contracts.Contract = class {
constructor({ deployerEth, deploy }) {
this.deploy = deploy
this.deployerEth = deployerEth
this.instance = contracts.getInstance(deployerEth, deploy)
this.address = this.deploy.get('deployAddress')
* Returns a String representation of this contract of the
* form
* `{contractName}-{deployId} at {address}`
* @returns {String} representation in the above format.
toString() {
return `
${this.deploy.get('name')}-${this.deploy.get('deployId')} at
getAddress() {
return this.deploy.get('deployedAddress')
getInstance() {
return this.instance
getABIObjectByName(_name) {
const abiMap = new Map(
List(this.instance.abi).map((abiObj) => { return [, abiObj ] })
const methodObj = abiMap.get(_name)
assert(methodObj.type === 'function')
return methodObj
getMethodCallData(_name, _args) {
const methodObj = this.getABIObjectByName(_name)
return abi.encodeMethod(methodObj, _args)
async getTxReceipt({ method, args, options }) {
assert(options['from'], `No from address specified.`)
const nonce = await this.deployerEth.getTransactionCount(this.deployerEth.address)
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
method(...args, {
from : options['from'],
to : this.address,
gas : contracts.gasLimit,
gasPrice : contracts.gasPrice,
value : options['value'],
nonce : nonce,
}).then((txHash) => {
LOGGER.debug(`Result ${JSON.stringify(txHash)}`)
}).catch((...error) => {
LOGGER.error(`Error ${error}`)
* Return an ethjs-contract instance from a previously deployed contract
* @method getInstance
* @memberof module:contract
* @param deploy of previous
* @return an ethjs instance that can be used to call methods on the deployed contract
contracts.getInstance = (eth, deploy) => {
assert(isNetwork(eth), 'First parameter is not an Ethereum network.')
assert(isDeploy(deploy), 'Second parameter is not a deploy output.')
const Contract = eth.contract(deploy.get('abi').toJS(), deploy.get('code'))
* Return a Democracy contract instance from a previous deploy,
* including a built-in signer account. Otherwise throws an error.
* @method createContract
* @memberof module:contract
* @param contractName {String} the base name of the contract deployed.
* @param deployID {String} optional string for a custom deploy ID
* other than the default `deploy`
contracts.createContract = async (contractName, deployID) => {
if (!contracts.initialized) { throw new Error('Call contracts.initialize() first') }
const _deployID = deployID || 'deploy'
const deploy = await`${contractName}-${_deployID}`)
assert( isDeploy(deploy), `No valid deploy found for ${contractName}-${_deployID}` )`Auto-created Contract ${contractName} at ${deploy.get('deployAddress')}`)
return new contracts.Contract({ deployerEth: wallet.lastSignerEth, deploy: deploy })
module.exports = contracts